Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hibiscus Close-Up

I think its worth mentioning that this photo has not been cropped. It was taken with a macro lens on a tripod and is of the pistil and stamens of a Hibiscus along the same hedge as yesterday's photo. This lens has a very shallow depth of field so any motion of the subject will cause it to go out of focus. It was windy on this particular day, so I ended up with a lot of blurred shots and a couple that were pretty crisp like this one. The blue and green are the sky and a leaf in the background, respectively. If you look real closely, you can see a couple of specs of pollen in the air and other fine details.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

This photo is gorgeous! It is so lush and I love the combination of crisp detail and soft beautiful background colors. It is so inviting. Thanks for creating and sharing this beautiful shot.